Lexington, Ky.—Dec. 3, 2020—The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is excited to unveil the new USHJA Instructor Credential, coming to members in early 2021.
“We created the USHJA Instructor Credential as a way to provide basic knowledge in a variety of current and relevant subject areas that pertain to teaching and coaching in the Hunter/Jumper industry,” said Mimi Wroten, member of the steering committee tasked with revamping the current Trainer Certification Program. “Because of the diverse content, we believe that the young professionals, more senior professionals and even those just exploring the idea of becoming an instructor will see great value in this program.” Unveiled during the 2020 USHJA Virtual Annual Meeting, presented by Equicore, the new credential will offer both a comprehensive online education as well as an in-person workshop and examination for Instructor Credential candidates to observe, learn, practice and collaborate and test their teaching techniques and methods. Interested candidates must first complete the online educational component which covers 10 sections of content including equine business development, equine law and ethics, lesson program best practices, riding theory, stable management, concussion awareness, USEF rules and more. After completing the online component, candidates will participate in a live testing workshop and examination, where they will be tested in person on their teaching skills and will be provided individualized feedback. Upon successful completion of all prerequisite online courses, the workshop, and live examination, candidates will be awarded the status of USHJA Credentialed Instructor. “The two-phase format creates a unique opportunity for individuals to move at their own pace, but also receive direct feedback about their teaching,” Wroten continued. “This type of credential process provides great opportunity for instructors to learn through several educational formats. Additionally, this credential will be helpful for anyone marketing their business, hiring employees, or for individuals looking to further educate themselves.” Registration for the USHJA Instructor Credential will be available to individuals who are USHJA members in good standing above the Outreach level, and who are 18 years or older. Instructor candidates will also need to show proof of experience teaching at least 40 hours of mounted and unmounted lessons. The new Instructor Credential will continue to recognize the hard work and professional dedication of those trainers who hold TCP Certification. Current Certified Trainers will maintain their certification status through their renewal year as long as the annual requirements for SafeSport and membership are maintained. TCP trainers in good standing will remain listed on the TCP Directory and will be offered a 50 percent discount towards participation in the new Instructor Credential. TCP trainers will have until November 30 of their renewal year to obtain their Instructor Credential by completing the online courses, live workshop and testing though early transition to the new credential is encouraged. Trainers due for renewal in 2020 and 2021 have been offered an extension to allow ample time to complete these requirements. If a TCP trainer chooses not to participate in the Instructor Credential, his/her certification will expire at the end of the TCP renewal period. More information about the launch date of the new Instructor Credential program will be made available soon. To learn more, visit ushja.org/instructorcredential.