Doug Boyd rode Calido's Son to the the World Equestrian Center Winter Circuit Championship in the 3'6" Performance Hunters. Photo Andrew Ryback Photography
Mettawa, IL – May 6, 2019 – Spring tri-colors blossomed for trainer Doug Boyd and Sapphire Riding Academy at the World Equestrian Center (WEC) during the final April show, despite Mother Nature forcing the show to go back indoors on the weekend due to snow flurries. Sapphire’s horses all took it in stride, as the team earned numerous championships during the week.
It's no surprise, the talented Calido’s Son with a prestigious resume, took home the 3’6” Performance Hunter WEC Winter Circuit Championship after winning 15 out of 17 classes, entered in 3 shows and was 2nd in the others! Calido also won the tri-color in the division last week by winning 4 out of 5 classes and finished second in the $2,500 USHJA National Hunter Derby.
“Calido has quite the personality,” laughed Boyd. “When the groom mistakenly took him to the outdoor after the show moved indoors, Calido walked part way outside, stood there hiding under the rain sheet and refused to move! When he arrived at the correct ring, his face was like; “you weren’t really serious about that outside thing were you?” Thankfully he is very forgiving and went on the win despite the mix-up!”

Clara Ciancuillo and Secretive added a championship to the Sapphire banner in the Adult Amateur Jumpers. Photo Andrew Ryback Photography

Clara Ciancuillo and Nicholas are back in top form and earned the Low Adult Jumper Championship. Photo Andrew Ryback Photography Rider Clara Ciancuillo stepped up to the plate in a spring double header and dominated the entire High Adult Jumper division, earning the Adult Amateur Jumper Championship with Secretive and then added the Low Adult Jumper Championship with another long-time ride, Nicholas. "Clara just seemed to pull everything together we've been working on. I'm really proud of her," said Boyd.

Mimi Rothman and At One's Word didn't disappoint the Sapphire team as they too added several championships to the collection. Photo Andrew Ryback Photography. At One’s Word would not be left out of the tri-color collection, sprouting a championship in the USHJA 3’ Hunter with Boyd in the irons and Mimi Rothman took home the championship in the USHJA 2’ Hunters along with the reserve championship in the Future’s Hunters 2’. Rothman clearly made a great comeback after taking a break during the fall and winter show season.

Doug Boyd and Calvigo clinched tri-colors in the 1.25m and 1.30m jumpers. Photo Andrew Ryback Photography Boyd and Calvigo, another winning mount for Sapphire, was champion in the 1.25m jumpers after winning two classes at the International Omaha earlier in April. The pair also stepped up to the 1.30m jumpers at WEC and took home the reserve championship from that division. In 2018, the successful pair won 25 classes and 9 jumper championships.

Young rider Stephanie Hansen rode to the 11 and under Equitation Championship aboard Rothman’s Marschille, winning 2 out of 3 classes.
Sapphire Riding Academy has rebooted their lesson program for spring, offering a package of 8 lessons with riders riding multiple times a week instead of the traditional once a week.
“The riders just seem to be progressing at a faster rate,” said Boyd. “They get the chance to review and advance multiple times in one week and retain much more in the process.”
Sapphire Riding Academy also offers horses to lease and show for these riders to gain experience in the show ring.
Sapphire also is making improvements on the footing and fencing in their outdoor arena so it will be ready for when Mother Nature decides it’s time to be outside.
The business also welcomes new client Amanda Hauser for the season. Hauser will be attending school in Illinois to earn a master’s degree and plans to make some time for horsing around with the Sapphire team.
The group plans to head to Kentucky next week for another spring show and truly hopes the weather will finally act like spring! The Sapphire team is back in full swing for the 2019 show season.
To join their team or tour their impeccable facility, visit their website at www.SapphireRidingAcademy.com and contact them at the numbers listed below for your personal tour.
About Sapphire Riding Academy
Sapphire Riding Academy is a premier Hunter/Jumper training facility located in Mettawa, Illinois, and offers full service training with an experienced staff and on-site management to oversee all operations. Sapphire Riding Academy can meet the needs of all levels of riders, whether your own a horse or lease one of theirs, you can be assured both you and your horse will be ready to compete successfully. Experienced trainers can take you to any ring; hunters, jumpers and equitation, from short stirrup to medal and maclay to the grand prix ring. Juniors, amateurs and pony riders are all welcome at Sapphire Riding Academy.
Conveniently located off Interstate 94, just 45 minutes from downtown Chicago and 25 minutes to O’Hare International Airport!
15141 Little Saint Marys Road Mettawa, 60048
Phone: (847) 573-1795 Fax: (847) 573-1794
Email : Info@SapphireRiding.com
Doug Boyd, Trainer/Manager (847) 867-1999